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"LIFE OF 'Reopening' IN TIME OF CoViD"

Writer's picture: O' CREATIVES Events by DeeO' CREATIVES Events by Dee

What does reopening means to you in this time of CoViD? How does it affect you when establishments and local businesses start to reopen? What is the impact of this in your family, work or just life in general?


Debates left and right: Should we re-open or should we not? Should teachers be vaccinated before re-opening or not? Will kids have to wear mask or not? Even teachers have differing ideas; parents alike have contrasting issues and students, well, I feel that by this time they are mixed up about things as well.

I am a mom of a 5th grader, he is finishing from elementary moving up to middle school and that is coming pretty soon. I wish he could experience a simple ceremony moving up like the "normal", like how it used to be. But nothing will ever be back to normal (or how it used to be) we are looking forward to a new way of life, our "Coronormal"!

With that in mind, re-opening of schools are a lot of things "NEW" and that is for sure. Things like smaller class size, well-distanced classroom arrangement, masked students, sanitizing every single nook of the room, well-distanced sports activities and for some school no PE yet, that would be a lot of things asked but I am sure all of these are doable!


These group of people, especially small business owners, have struggled the most compared to most of us. I am not saying you are not or did not struggle, but let us give this group the benefit of the doubt because they really have.

When we closed down in March of 2020, which feels so long ago now, they were greatly impacted by it. And even after things started to settle, they were only allowed to re-open depending on the kind of business they are in. Restaurants and groceries were allowed to do business with a lot of variations and adjustments as they are "essential business" to keep us sustained with food and all. Slowly different businesses tried their best to argue their degree of being "essential" so that they can continue business as usual too.

Now that guidelines are in place, it still seems like more difficult to conduct business or offer services. With so much restrictions in place, business owners are spending more in order to make adjustments so that they can re-open their businesses. A lot is at stake especially for small business owners, the government help can only get them through one month’s rent and then what’s next? For a lot of them, it seems like it is just a choice between closing or selling the business.

On a good note as we are slowly aiming for "herd immunity" through nationwide vaccination, we are seeing a lot of creative business owners opening up their platforms and making the most of opportunities in online selling too. It only shows how resilient we really are in the middle of such a difficult time in our generation. Creativity and resourcefulness are making their best show during this pandemic. Other industries have diverted from one product to another as the increasing need and demand dictates. For example, some brewery have opted to manufacture hand sanitizers when their sales dropped. With the use of the same ingredients just a little tweak and a different process they were able to survive and at the same time help out in the need for sanitizers during this pandemic.


Living in the Bay Area (Northern California or NorCal) comes with many perks, and one of them is the ease of public transport in the form of the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART). It is the rail transit that connects San Francisco easily to most major cities around the Greater Bay Area of NorCal

With CoViD, the BART seems to be running like a ghost train... most days empty! They continue to run, therefore, continue to incur expenses with no income. Since most workers are staying home or for some just being cautious and not being in crowded spaces (like it would be during rush hours on the BART), this might actually bring this transport system to its knees just like many other businesses nowadays

When will it be safe to take the BART again? Or maybe a more appropriate question would be, when will you be comfortable to ride the BART again?

We are mandated wherever we are to continually practice social distancing, face masking, hand washing or hand sanitizing and staying away from crowds.


Events and gatherings, especially church worship, have been greatly affected and highly contested on this side of the world. When can the congregation gather and worship together indoors? Entertainers are also on the look out for opportunities to be back on their tour bus and perform live. How could the organizer do crowd control in big gatherings and how to ensure that social distancing and many other protocols are set up to prevent cross infection? And really, when will we be comfortable in a crowd without worrying of getting a virus?

Weddings and funerals; birthday parties and reunions; and our holidays have been either canceled or celebrated a different way.

In the church community I belong to, our elders have long decided to continue on worship services outdoors until government mandates allow 50% capacity for indoor gathering. We are still thriving together as a community of believers while we follow the health guidelines on face coverings and social distancing. Slowly, we are finding creative ways to still continue on with activities that nurture each other in the Word of GOD.

Even in churches, a few things have changed just for example, communion has taken a new shape in order to accommodate the new health standards set for CoViD-19. Individual packaging of the bread and wine are now in the market to make sure that lesser contact is adhered to. Since we are doing outdoor worship, we carry our own chairs and bring our own coffee or drinks; we sit socially distanced from each other or with our social bubble; hand sanitizers are found everywhere; everyone is checked prior to entering the venue and face masks are required when doing congregational singing and whenever you leave your spot.


To conclude, reopening is really a bigger problem now than closing down. Now that we know a little bit more about this novel virus called "Coronavirus" that have caused this pandemic, there are guidelines put in place to help us all navigate through a new "Coronormal" world. Every establishment, both public and private, will need to put more effort into the thinking, planning and actual reopening. This will mean new ways of doing things, new tasks for employees and staff, new guidelines to follow by everyone, new creativity in selling or rendering services, new set up for some to make customers comfortable, new and improved ways to meet the ever changing health standards and new policies on communicating and socializing all at the same time.

But as we move and get on with life, we have to accept that these "coronormal" changes will soon be necessities of life in order to continue existing and will eventually be something automatic in our everyday life. Whether we are part of the staff reopening or part of the public affected by it, we all have to support each other in this. Doing our share in the process in order to make things better for us as individuals and as a corporate being. Yes, into our new ways of life in time of CoViD-19, as it will be here for the long haul.

Let us learn to adapt to our new "coronormal" so we can be part of a successful reopening of a safer and healthier society. You and me are part of THIS society, wouldn't it be nice to be a part of the greater good?




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