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Writer's picture: DeeDee

Updated: Jan 27, 2021

Different is a bit of an understatement to describe the year 2020. Did you ever imagine being this restricted for almost the whole year? But here we are now in January, the first month of the new year, the good news is that (if you are reading this).... WE SURVIVED THE YEAR!!!

On another good note, as 2021 starts, everyone seems more hopeful for a New Year; a new hope, a fighting chance against our unseen enemy (CoViD-19). Though nothing would immediately change when the year changes, but being hopeful is way better than being hopeless.

Today, let us look back how well we did in order to survive 2020 before we look forward to a better year. Let us recall God's goodness in the midst of chaos as Paul exemplified in his letter to the church in Philippi. How can we, like Paul, rejoice as we go through this difficult time and struggles? Who more to emulate in faithfulness but him, how he can rejoice in the midst of persecution and imprisonment?

"Yes, and I will rejoice, for I know that through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ this will turn out for my deliverance, as it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." - Philippians 1:18–21

2020 was different for me. Difficult? Yes, of course! Did anybody out there cruise through this year easily? Even through our toughest year I have found glimmers of hope, provisions of grace and opportunities to serve through and through this hard year. How about you? How did you navigate through 2020? What are some of the things you've learned through some of the most difficult times of the year.

What encouraged me the most this year could have been the same things that worked for you. Why don't we share it with the world, maybe our stories can uplift someone else in the process and give them that much needed hope or maybe just make a little celebration from all our wins and learn from the losses in the past year.


Our church's sermon series from the start of CoViD-19 have really been a lifeline for christian living in time of turmoil. Though these were planned and chosen long before we even heard of Coronavirus, the LORD made sure that it will be used in a timely manner to help uplift and encourage everyone as we go through this pandemic.

Two of my favorite Sermon Series during this pandemic are on the books of Habakkuk and Philippians. We had the "Habakkuk: A Just Faith" sermon series at the early part of our stay-at-home rules here in California. Lament is a prayer wherein we present our complaint directly to the LORD, we name our pain and suffering and boldly ask God to intervene. As we continue to view these pain and suffering through the gospel we are hoping and continually trusting GOD while recalling how gracious and faithful He has been to us through and through. Meanwhile, the Philippians sermon series just finished before the Christmas/Advent season. A 12-week series on rejoicing in our faith in the gospel that helped us focus on rejoicing in the middle of suffering just like Paul did while in prison. Paul's letter to the church in Philippi encouraging them to continue on the good works that they are extending to him and at the same time through his own suffering.

"Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will take joy in the God of my salvation. God, the Lord, is my strength; he makes my feet like the deer’s; he makes me tread on my high places." - Habakkuk 3:17-18

Being in the Word in 2020 strengthened and helped me walk through the difficulties and challenges by putting all my trust in my One True God. Living life day by day and not knowing what tomorrow may bring (to the extent you can't even plan for next week is quite challenging for an Enneagram 3 like me) but instead letting GOD lead me and surrendering my full day to Him. It was just life changing. One might say these words are easier said than done, sure is, but living it firsthand was something else. Try it, won't you?

I have discovered more of God and more about God - His characters, His attributes, the power in His name, His goodness, His promises laid out all through The Word - in this odd year I learned more than thought I have during my past four decades of life. You know that feeling when you thought you knew it all! Attending Women's Bible Studies both on Zoom (GHCC Women's Ministries) and online (Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study) were my supplement to keep me in tune with God's Word to feed my soul and give me strength to face all these struggles and challenges we've faced in this past year.

A few of the Bible Studies that truly spoke to me this past year were: "If God Is For Us: A 6-week study of Romans" and "The Promised One: Seeing Jesus in the book of Genesis". I have never dug up any book of the Bible like this and studied them verse by verse (Romans) and chapter by chapter (Genesis)! It was also an eye opener and such a blessing to have learned so much more from all those very familiar Bible stories I can re-tell from a very young age. With this guided Bible Study of Genesis, we were able to unravel how Jesus can be found from the very beginning of everything. It cemented my faith foundations even stronger and steadier than before. I now look at the Bible as one whole story of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration that circle around Jesus! And that was a real revelation to me for 2020.

What kept you sane in 2020? What encouragements spoke to you during the most trying times of our lives last year? How has the Word of God helped you cope during all these? What things change for the better in your spiritual life?

Journaling is a new skill I learned and trying to develop. I have wanted to do this for the longest time, but couldn't start, do not know how to start, can not choose a perfect journal to buy or waiting to hear from someone I trust how to start a Journal. This year, Annie F Downs (AFD) of "That Sounds Fun Podcast" has really encouraged and inspired me to just start writing from a plain spiral notepad. Thanks AFD and surely "That (journaling) sounds fun!" Writing down my prayers using the scripture is becoming therapeutic for me, it helps me focus on His Word and discover more of who God is. The last OBS with P31 was all about journaling using "Write The Word Journals". It is such a great way to get started.

Journals for 2021

As the year closed, we at our Volunteer Team at Proverbs 31 Ministries were blessed by a new kind of Journal. It is called "The Move Forward Journal: Line A Day Monthly Journal" by our Executive Lead Christa Hutchins of Check it out, I just love her approach to journaling. If you are someone just trying out or doing it for the first time, I think this is the best way to try and begin. This journal makes you focus on just that one thing or one prompt or one question that you chose to write about and you get to answer once every month. It is a refreshing approach. There was a day I was tempted to write more than a sentence, but I made myself keep it simple and just one single sentence. It develops discipline, focus and intentionality on my part. It is also an enjoyable one and a good starter for Journaling newbies like me (and maybe you too).

Journaling also enhanced my "praying life". As I am learning to pray the scripture, the "Moms in Prayer International" (MIP) have been instrumental in helping me do this too. Reading the book "Counter Cultural Parenting" by Lee Nienhuis and "Start With Praise" by Sally Burke and Cyndie Claypool De Neve this year, woke up the need in me as a mom to be praying the scripture over my son everyday. To be a part of praying moms all over and to be encouraged to lift up even the school, our teachers, educators and fellow parents like me is a great revelation to me this year. Praying for my child has never been more intentional than being part of MIP. And I am thankful for all these experiences in 2020 that helped me focus more on this discipline of praying and journaling the Scripture.


What I really missed last year was more fellowship, more in-person interaction with other believers, other women at church and learning with them in Bible Studies. Still thankful though that in spite of this, we can now worship together outdoors. It has both been exciting and challenging with the ever changing weather we are currently in. I wrote about this "Life of the Church in Time of CoViD", how we are making small sacrifices and exploring some creativity in order to continue our fellowship and worship together within what our local authorities allow. Most of our annual events and regular activities at church were cancelled and meeting up is a personal decision really. I am being very cautious myself, trying to social distance for most of it. I miss friends at church and at our women's group. And this is still a struggle...but I am trusting that "This too shall pass..." sooner if not later and it brings me to this next one...CONNECTING.

If there is one thing we both struggled and managed really well last year, it is probably connecting with people. We are all social beings; always longing for connections. Should we thank technology for how it has helped us reach out to families and friends during this very restricted year?

Just yesterday out from the prompt for my one-line a day journal, I reconnected with an old college friend whom I know is a nurse in Texas. I am so glad I did, she had so much to share with me and I am so pleased I reached out to her. There is so much more to talk about between the two of us from the time we last talked to the present, but surely lots of prayers went out yesterday for her and her family back home.

Apart from phone calls, our present day technology have taught us a lot of new ways to connect and communicate. Some of our seniors have a hard time coping with all these video calls and zoom but mind you my 83-year old mom is a wizard at all these. She is enjoying zoom calls with the IEMELIF Deaconess Association, online Bible Studies at church and facetime calls with us everyday. Zoom (as I once wrote on "Life of Zoom in Time of CoViD") is practically a welcomed app at every home now. And don't forget, everyday a new video app or communication technology is being

The OLIVAs checking in on Christmas!

invented. Some of us embrace it right away, while others take time to process and warm up to it and still others are quite pessimistic about it. Whichever means of communication you have on your hand, just make good use of it right now. Face time along lost friend, set up a (free) zoom account and organize a party online, join a Messenger group call, schedule a video call visit with a friend at the hospital or just the very basic dial a number of a family or friend you have lost touch for a long time

from your phone. It might change someone's life. You can even make someone smile.

"The most important things in life are the connections you make with others." -Tom Ford

Social distancing (more physical than social) may have prevented us from gathering but not from connecting and reaching out to others. From my end, I have been more intentional with my blogging and social network postings. I wanted to be more encouraging with my words (and photos at that) rather than being "socially relevant" and to explain this is for another blog. I started a focused blog called "Life in Time of CoViD" which I really hope can encourage some of my frontliner friends and somewhat educate others about CoViD-19.

I also reached out to a group of friends at my old work back in the Philippines. Most of us are still healthcare workers and finding that most of us seem to have the same struggle but coping and thriving differently in the fight against CoViD-19, we have come up with a project to reach out to everyone in our group. We tried a zoom meeting but not a lot turned up. So after the first try, I ventured with one on one talks with our alumni members all over the world. We called it "CoViD Conversations". Within our private Facebook group we managed to pull this off for nine months now and a lot of excited volunteers to talk about their own CoViD experience or just simply share their own coping techniques and whatever they have learned through this year may it be in or out of work.


This is the area I totally flunked last year, not even a passing grade. I will be honest with y'all, I found it harder, more of a struggle, to even go out and walk, all the more do Zumba than years past. Even when everyone was doing workouts at home, I totally became the opposite. Eating healthy? Eating, yes! And a lot of it as it seems like that is the only comfort you can find at home. Healthy? Oh deary, dear!!! Everyday I try to tell myself "I will exercise again and eat healthier tomorrow".

One thing was sure, nowadays we are all more cleaner, a degree more "obsessive-compulsive" with cleanliness, sanitizing and disinfection. These are all good healthy habits that we can keep even after this pandemic is over. Keeping a bit of distance from crowds, being sensitive to others when you are not feeling so well, or just wearing a face covering to protect others more than protecting yourself are some of the things we are learning to do for the long haul.

It seems like we will be living like these for some time to come, so brace yourself and just keep healthy. Isn't this just about everyone's New Year's resolution? So let us start again tomorrow!


Didn't I say that coming together or fellowships were quite restricted during this pandemic? But serving God and your community didn't have to be, right?

These past few months I put more effort into volunteering for Proverbs 31 Ministries Online Bible Studies (OBS). Belonging to the Pipeline Team, we were mainly assigned to do the registrations for the Small Groups and partly encouraging ladies to sign up into smaller group discussions. I love knowing that during the craziest times of our lives, ladies from all walks of life can easily access a Bible Study and talk or share whatever they have gained from it. Join our latest OBS with Lysa Terkeurst's new book entitled "Forgiving What You Can't Forget", it is not too late to register today! You might not be able to join the small groups but you still be a part of our Facebook Community.

Serving others comes in many different forms. Generosity during the pandemic is undeniable may it be inside or outside of the church. My Little Man donated the money he raised and part of his birthday gifts to our local food bank. This sprang from a school writing assignment that he did and decided to make it a reality. We are so proud of him for being able to think of ways to give and serve others in his own little way.

Our service to others reached as far as back home to the Philippines. The pandemic not only affected us here in the US, it has devastated my home country much more than it did here. Imagine living in hard conditions already even before a calamity, can you imagine how much harder it was for most of them back there when this pandemic came. In our own little way, we were able to extend a little help to some locals in our community. We pardoned our tenant's rent for three consecutive months and shared some goodies with their families too.

Sharing what you can, when you can to someone more needy than you presently are is genuine hospitality. We are all in some form of need but if we look very closely and pay attention to someone else in need, I am sure we can easily see that we are far more blessed in one way or another than they are. Yes these are trying times but generosity can go a long, long way. Just last Sunday's message at church talked a lot about generosity. From the passage in 2 Corinthians 9: 6-15, we were encouraged to show radical generosity like God our Father. His generosity revealed His righteousness ......and so would we if we are radically generous with our talent, wealth, time and whatever we can share with others.

"HOSPITALITY is generously leveraging your resources in loving service to others for the glory of GOD." - Ptr. Phil Ward, Senior Pastor GHCC


This is my chosen WORD for 2021: CULTIVATE! Sprang from our last OBS in 2020 it made me look on my Jesus journey and I knew that I have a lot of growing left to do. I remember writing about Spiritual Disciplines last year, and this year I am praying that I can develop, attend to and really grow in all these disciplines which I have sort of started last year.

I do not make New Year's Resolutions anymore, but I do pray and choose a word for the year that can be my inspiration and encouragement in my personal and spiritual growth. Side by side I also choose the Bible verse that goes with my word and this year it is...

How are you inspired by the beginning of a New Year? Do you still write down New Year's resolutions or do you choose a Word for the Year like I do? I hope no matter which way you welcome 2021 that it would include getting into God's Word to help us navigate our lives through another challenging year. May we focus on worshiping God and cultivating all the spiritual disciplines only for one and only reason and that is to give God the highest glory in our everyday life.

I don't think 2021 will be any different from 2020, but we must remain hopeful and faithful in our One True God that He will be with us through and through.

May we all have a Blessed 2021!




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