Are we exempted from testing and trials, from suffering and despair, from disappointments and losses, from sickness and poor health, from fear and worries because of our steadfast faith and our firm belief in the One True God?
Apparently, it is the total opposite. Like everyone else, Christians or Jesus followers, as some prefer to be called, are not immune to any of these hardships. The only difference and the one that stands us out from non-believers, is that through it all...
"Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you maybe perfect and complete, lacking nothing." - James 1:2-4

Going through this pandemic is no exemption. Christians, believers and Jesus' followers are part of the shelter-in-place rules therefore, we are stopped from working; our kids stay home and are home schooled; we queue for grocery and food shopping; we stock up on food and bathroom tissues too. We are part of the workforce that are both essential and non-essential; we get exposed and get infected with CoViD-19; we suffer deaths in the family brought about by this pandemic; and rightfully said so, we get weary too. We are as vulnerable as anybody else. We sometimes lose hope, some of us question God, still a few, struggle to make ends meet, and a few more have stopped giving to the church because there is no income for the family.
Even the life of the faithful is altered by this pandemic. We celebrated Easter/Resurrection Sunday in the comfort of our sofas watching the worship service from our screens. Worship gatherings are live streaming; Bible Studies meet up on Zoom; and even to the point of dropping off our offering and tithes through the church's drive-thru services or give online. A lot of things are changing and we are slowly adapting in different ways to connect, to be blessed by God's word and the company of others. Is this pandemic really pushing us to our limits or is it pushing us to be more creative, resourceful, more faithful and more trusting?
Our church pastor on the first week of live streaming our Sunday worship kept reminding us that "we should not get used to this", that we should continue to long to have fellowship with one another and when that day comes when CoViD is done, that we would all come and worship together again in the sanctuary. Annie F. Downs seems to agree when she posted once that we can get settled but not used to this situation we are in now.
Let me ask you, what gets you through the day and still be hopeful and remain faithful? Our Father, the God Almighty, who dearly loves us is watching over us all the time. He is our Sovereign God who has control over everything. Do you actually believe this? Do you have faith in God even just a size of a mustard seed? Do you still hang on to your belief?
How do we, as Christians keep our souls fed and our eyes fixed on Jesus as we go through all these trials and testing?
"We are all going through this the same time, but not the same thing." - Steven Furtick
Three things we are encouraged to do to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus: (As per Golden Hills Podcast Daily #36: "Christ As Our Foundation" by Stephen Foster)
1. READ YOUR BIBLE. There is no other book most recommended and best to read during such time as these. In order to keep our focus on our Savior and continue to know His plans for us and teach us how to live according to His will, we need to be fed by His words regularly. Now we can be best encouraged by God's words and continue to develop our relationship with our Creator.
2. PRAY before God and express your real feelings and emotions during this time. Ask Him for guidance and help when in need; strength to keep us going and finish this off. When things seem unbearable, cry out to GOD for He is listening.
3. REACH OUT to others who has a greater need than we are. Being hospitable doesn't have to stop because we are quarantined. There are a lot of other things we can do for others. Check or call your neighbors just to check how they are doing. Give an elderly from the church a call, it might make them smile.
Today was extra special for our Little Man. He truly felt the love and importance when the mailbox was filled up by letters addressed all to him. Sunday School teachers and our Children's Pastor all took time to cheer him up with word of encouragement during this time of CoViD. I thank you all at GHCC Kids Ministry, you made him smile and at the same time teary-eyed.
Our faith can be put to this tremendous test called- unemployment, running out of funds, stressed out by too many kids all at home at the same time, distance-learning of our kids; being gravely sick, isolated and lonely, overworked, faced by great risks, etc BUT one thing remains the same.... our GOD! Our GOD is still there, ever present. Our GOD is still our Loving Father who extends his grace to us. Our GOD is still there, our Great Provider.
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” -John 14:27
During this pandemic, our church have come out with a Podcast series called “Golden Hills Podcast Daily”. It is a short daily encouragement from God's Word for our current situation. One of my favorites so far is the podcast by the church’s Clinical Counseling Director, Denise Olson. It is entitled "Troubled Hearts" based on the text John 13-14. If you have 10-15 minutes to spare each day, I would love you to give it a try and listen daily, it might just be what you are longing to hear.
Now, more than anytime, is the time to be steadfast with our faith. We can spend the time we have on our hands to be nearer to God through prayers, know Him more through reading and studying the Bible, or just simply be in God's presence. Let us live the life of the faithful and be an encouragement to others.