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Writer's picture: O' CREATIVES Events by DeeO' CREATIVES Events by Dee

Reality Bites. Actually this present reality stings a bit.

During this time of pandemic, being cooped up in our homes and made to spend a lot of time with the family, we can either take it in a good way or a bad way. Either one, now we have more time in our hands with the family or on our own than any other season in our lives. This present day crisis also takes us to a new world of realizations and discoveries.

Realization is by definition "an act of becoming fully aware of something as a fact", isn't that just how you are feeling now? Meanwhile, discovery or discover is defined as "an action or process of uncovering, unearthing". Someone on the worldwide web put it this way, "Self-discovery is like the blueprint. Self realization is building up to it physically, mentally and emotionally."

Our life has been altered for quite a while now, adjustments to the way we live, who we live with and how we do life with the people we love dearly. During this time of CoViD our social life is taking a new turn. Small discoveries, big realizations but it all boils down to the fact that we are evolving creatures, able to adapt and adjust to what our environment presents us.

Could you be having some of these realizations going on now?

  • Life is short and we do not have control over it. The reality of dying anytime, any day from this viral infection is quite too close for comfort. It feels like it is right on our face.

  • The threat of this Coronavirus is very real. It is indeed an unseen enemy.

  • And that we still do not know much about the virus, nor it's cure.

  • Our life can be put to a halt, just like that caused by the tiniest, invisible virus to our human eyes.

  • Everything we own, we have, we treasure is left for nothing in a snap. Earthly treasures surely does not count when the virus takes away your life.

  • We have lots of time to spend with the family, whether we take this lightly or seriously, it is a truth!

  • Some people are becoming more lazy over being productive.

  • This life can be lonely for some, it can have a slow, progressing decline for some.

  • We are getting better with Time Management.

  • On the other hand for some, working from home has enslaved them to their work because they can now work non-stop from home (the downside of this)

On the same note, I have discovered a few things as well....

  • We have this new addition to the virus family called Coronavirus causing a deadly viral infection called CoViD-19 and it could be here for a while.

  • To think that, it is an easily preventable disease and yet as easy to spread if we keep our guards down.

  • Social/Physical Distancing does work and has it's values.

  • Hidden talent like music, DIY, baking/cooking, teaching, gardening, sewing, dancing (TikTok), etc. emerge out of nowhere from each of the family members.

  • Your creativity was forced to come out and be practiced. And so is your patience (if you are the adult in the house).

  • Families are discovering something new about their parents, siblings or spouse that they didn't know before all these stay at home rules.

  • Communicating with family members away from each other is made possible by all sorts of technology we have on the tip of our fingertips. We just need to make the effort to contact one another and keep in touch.

  • There are a lot more board games available than we ever thought (and more being invented on the internet!)

  • That a lot of work can be done and continued at home while this pandemic is around and we can still be productive.


"Way Maker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the darkness. My GOD, that is who You are! ....Even when I can't see that You're working. Even when I don't feel that You're working. You never stop. You never stop working." [- Way Maker by Michael W. Smith, performed with the Brentwood Baptist Choir and Worship Team Easter 2020]


My own realizations have brought me closer with my Creator. I have discovered a new name in serving (not that I didn't know about it before the pandemic) others called ... HOSPITALITY. As a healthcare worker during this pandemic, it meant more than just being there to work, but being there to serve; to bear the pain and suffering with them; to be their family when nobody can stay with them; to be the hands that hold them right to their very last breath; to be the bearer of good news and sometimes bad news to family members; and to be the brave ones in the front line to help fight this disease that has plagued us.

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace.In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” - John 16:33

This CoViD-19 has forced us all to pause, stop, be still, take a break, relax and spend time with the Lord, with the family and with yourself. REST apparently has to come in the form of a viral infection before we can fully comprehend GOD's message. Starting this new book by John Mark Comer called "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry", he unraveled where "Hurry" originated from. He even shared a story that his father would usually tell them about how here in America (particularly in the Bay Area) in the 70's, everyone takes a rest on a Sunday. Only churches were open, all other establishments are closed for business (of course with exemptions of hospitals and emergency services). The family spends time together to worship, then Sunday lunch and some time to just relax and spend with the family. Where has time gone? How did we even get into this situation? Apparently it was a slow, creeping, unnoticeable thing called "development" from the invention of the sundial to Steve Jobs.

Now on our ninth week of 'Shelter-in-place' we're getting antsy or even panicky because our rights are thwarted by the government mandate! Really? I really do not want to sound political but please what we decide to do today has impact to everybody today and tomorrow and the future. Just saying!

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” - Matthew 11:28-30

With all these things happening, it only made my faith stronger and my belief more real that indeed we have a Sovereign GOD who is 'all powerful' and have control over us, over our affairs, over our world, over everything. Have you ever thought that there is an end to this? that there is light at the end of the tunnel?

If there is one thing I have gleaned from all the Bible studies I have attended lately, it is that our Sovereign God is "all-knowing"; that He has knowledge of the yesterday, today and even tomorrow. He has control and knows what will be at the end of all these suffering and struggles and the good news is...all this is for HIS GLORY! Can you even comprehend that? The truth is: you do not have to, you just have to believe in our One True and Sovereign GOD to pull us through to the end of this. We all need an unwavering faith in the midst of all these changes, realizations and discoveries.

Just above is a music video of the song "Waymaker" sang by Michael W Smith and the Brentwood Baptist Church Choir during Easter 2020 Online Service. It is like an anthem for me as I go navigate this season of my life. A worship song that rehearses GOD's character for us, it also assures us of His promises for us.

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. - 1 Corinthians 10:31

How about you, what realizations have come around during this season of your life? What discoveries about yourself, your partner, your family members, your children have you observed, felt, lived? All these discoveries and realization can be used to an advantage. These can help us grow better, value people more than things, and learn to make good use of time. Time that seems like we are always short of a 24-hour day.

In all these realizations and discoveries may it include a life changed by Jesus life, death and resurrection, an ever fervent faith, unwavering belief in our Sovereign God and a life lived in glory of GOD even through this hardest time.




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