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Writer's picture: O' CREATIVES Events by DeeO' CREATIVES Events by Dee

As we start to re-open the state slowly and phase by phase, there is hope but there is apprehension too. Some people are optimistic about being able to go back to the normal. Meanwhile, others are anxious about what the new normal might be like. Still some are not so sure whether it is safe to be re-opening so soon and be out there in the open. How do you feel about re-opening the state? the government? the economy? the country? and actually the whole world?

With the reality of this re-opening comes a lot of considerations and RE-considerations that we have to take into our everyday life. There are things we need to keep in mind as a daily reminder like:

  • The Coronavirus (the causative agent of CoViD-19) is still around, just lingering out there.

  • Unless you are a CoViD-19 survivor (meaning you had it and recovered from it), you are still a prey to the Coronavirus (and that is a fact!).

  • If you are 65 years old and above and/or with a pre-existing condition (no matter what your age is), you are still at a higher-risk for acquiring the virus and being sick. So you still have to stay indoors and practice social distancing to keep yourself as healthy as you can.

  • Until we get a vaccine to fight this virus, it still pose a threat to the society even if you are healthy and young.

  • We will have to live with the facial mask for a little longer especially when we go out or in the company of many others.

  • We might also want to keep a few pairs of gloves in the car for when we go grocery/food shopping or other errands that require us to touch a surface that have been touched by mostly everyone!

  • Social distancing will be a part of our daily lives from now on. Well, I just hope the government will change that into "physical distancing" because we can be physically apart and still be close to each other socially.

On the other hand, there is a need for life to be back to as much normal as is possible because .... life has to go on. In the light of this, we need to do a lot of things to keep safe and healthy. We need to help each other get up back on our feet and continue with life.

How do we go back to what we know as normal? To be honest I think a new normal is in the horizon. Our life has been altered and will permanently be changed by CoViD-19. I am the kind of person who tries to find the good in everyone and my opinion on this new normal is.... to welcome it and embrace it, if it benefits us in the long run. Come to think of it, now more than ever (unless you are an obsessive-compulsive), we are more conscious about cleanliness. Less and less people are sneezing their heart out in public. We even think twice now before we touch our face, let alone our noses.

There are a few things we can do to help the recovery of our community, our state and our government. We have to help each other by:

  • SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESSES. Living in the East Bay we are blessed with fresh produce just around our community and this time of the year is the best time. Our local farms here in Brentwood are open for "Harvest Time", i.e. cherry and strawberry picking. Even though there are restrictions at hand, many patrons are still coming out taking their chance into experiencing fruit picking first hand. We have been doing this year in and year out, but this year we are making better choices. But in order to support our local farmers and still be safe, we are buying their product off from their shelves and farm stores.

  • ORDER FROM OUR RESTAURANTS/FAVORITE FOOD STOPS. To keep our places in business, let us make use of the services they offer like the restaurants we love to go to before. Take the opportunity to avail of their special offers and pick-up or delivery options. Let us support local businesses and restaurants too.

  • DONATE TO THE LOCAL FOOD BANK. Whether we donate money or whatever we have excess at home, I am sure they will be more than welcomed. I emphasize "LOCAL" so that it can go back directly to our local communities in need. And what is our local food bank? We have the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano if you live with me in the East Bay. Otherwise you can just google your local food bank or non-profit that help feed the local community.

  • VOLUNTEER. There are a lot of volunteer opportunities at the moment. Check the church you attend first of all, how about your local community organizations, American Red Cross, Food Banks, Senior Centers, Meals on Wheels, or if you really wanna help all out with this CoViD-19 pandemic we have the California ALL volunteer opportunities CLICK HERE to sign-up! Some non-profits actually ask for other forms of volunteerism, it could be your time, talent, money or goods/services.

  • BLOOD DRIVE. As opposite to the fake news we hear at times, we can still donate blood. Blood drives are still around and going on as there is an unending need for blood transfusion. In addition to this usual blood donation, the UCSF is looking for CoViD-19 survivors who are more than willing to donate their blood plasma (liquid component of your blood) to help treat those who are critically ill with CoViD-19. They are currently doing the clinical trials for Convalescent Plasma transfusion in order to stop the growth and spread of the virus into the infected person's body therefore giving the affected organs the needed time and space to heal without being attacked by another debilitating virus like the ones of CoViD-19. University of California San Francisco (UCSF) is offering survivor screening, CLICK HERE to know more and to sign-up. Imagine how heroic this donation and volunteering could mean for that someone almost dying and critically ill of the virus and whatever pre-disposing illness they have.

These trying times have made us all realize a lot of things. Working together and getting through this together is just a couple of them, both pointing to the same thing: COOPERATION. Re-opening the government and business means we all have to chip in and help. Everyone needs to cooperate with the government mandates and so to keep us all safe and healthy. I applaud our church leaders for sticking to the rules and following the government mandates because at the end of the day we want to show that Jesus followers are good citizens too. Cooperation is a MUST at the present time. We are slowly getting back to whatever normal is awaiting for us. Just a few steps away; just a few weeks of staying home; just a few more sacrifices into having our hairs and nails done, dining into our favorite restaurants, sitting in the church pew for the worship, playing and watching our kids games and activities....just a little bit more. Only if we can be patient just a little bit more then hopefully everything will be in order and everyone can safely go back to their own normal. Only if we will be patient..... Only if we will cooperate.... Only if we will listen to authorities.... Only if we will not politicize everything, every word, every decision (and this goes for both parties!!).... Only if we will put our faith a little bit more in GOD.... Only if....

"A New Normal"




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