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Writer's picture: DeeDee

Since I started writing about reading on my last blog, let us talk more about reading. This time let us talk about our Bible Reading so far for this year! Most of us that started with our Bible Reading Plan in January, would only be either in Leviticus (for those that are reading the Bible book by book) or around the middle of Exodus (for the chronological readers). Or if you are doing the New Testament, you would be in one of the gospels..

I have always wanted to develop this spiritual discipline as a regular rhythm in my daily life. It has been four years now since I've been intentional in developing this discipline. Slow progress but I have felt immense spiritual strengthening through practicing and continuously training in prayer and Bible Reading.

How about you? How are you doing so far? Do you have any good word of encouragement for some of us who are not so good at this? or maybe something you can share so those who are first timers at this discipline can continue on with a bit more hope and focus?

If you are not into Bible reading as yet, what is keeping you from starting? Have you tried several times and failed or even failed miserably? I have been there and my it is daunting but we do not have to wait for the New Year to restart all over again. The beauty of Bible reading whichever way you want to proceed is, you can start reading it anytime.

Intentionality to create this rhythm took a lot of praying, trying and self discipline. Finding some tools along the way to help me with reading accountability was totally helpful. You might have some questions on how to go about it or simply how to start? Here's a few ideas I have learned along the years...

What Bible Reading Plan are you using?

I have used the chronological Bible reading guide for the past three years and last year was the best year so far, for finishing it through. I tried several times, it has not been perfect but I kept going even if I finished later than expected.

I love the chronological way of reading and seeing the whole story of the Bible as it happened. It is so beautiful how God has woven the story of creation, fall, redemption and restoration in each book, in each person he used, and in each event that happened. The best discovery is that it all points to Jesus as one big overarching story of the Bible. I attended a women's conference this past weekend and the best take away I got was this - "The Story of the Bible summarized into: God's people, in God's place, under God's rule, enjoying God's blessing." ["God's Big Picture: Tracing the Storyline of the Bible" by Vaughn Roberts] How truer can it be!

Do you have a tool you use to help you be accountable?

This year I found Trillia Newbell's "52 Weeks in the Word" as my guide and tool for my Bible Reading. I paired it with Bible Project's "One Story that Leads to Jesus" Bible Reading Plan, it also gives me a Psalm to read and pray everyday. Trillia's book is doing the Genesis to Revelation plan, same as the Bible Project.

Another similarity is how they both focus on finding Jesus and/or the gospel in the pages of the Scripture beginning from Genesis. It could be hard at times and sometimes I may not find it, but I will keep trying and going with my Bible Reading. I still remember Eva Kubasiak's reminder about Bible reading- "It's the connection, not perfection".

Trillia also reminds us to use her book as a "journal, a cheerleader, a guide to help you continue reading". She even called herself our "Bible Reading accountability partner". How can one be so blessed to have her do this with me! Now she's even come out with "52 Weeks in the Word Podcast". It is only once a week, very short, 10-minute interview/discussion of the week ahead. She basically ask a focus question that is related in the coming week's reading. I love listening to it, just to focus me for the long reading and spark my interest onto something to look forward to.

Again, the book is just a tool to help us do Bible Reading with accountability. I think it keeps us on track with the daily task at hand, no more no less than reading God's Word. Always keep in mind that the goal is to READ THE BIBLE. It might be an overstretch to repeat and say that Bible Reading is way different than Bible Study. The focus is simple to read God's Word and therefore know more about Him.


Each day"52 Weeks in the Word" encourages you to answer these

three (3) basic questions after reading the passage:

> Who God is? What characteristics of God am I seeing in the text?

> Where do I see Jesus or the gospel in the passage?

> How can I apply these verses to my life?


I love how the second question is challenging me this year to try and see more of Jesus and the gospel through the passages. Sometimes I might not find it, and it's okay. There might be times when it is so obvious I would still miss it. Seeing these foreshadowing of Jesus, at times imagery or typology or just plain gospel right smack in front and center of the passage takes time and connection to the Word. Have you had that feeling of "I have read this story so many times, and yet I did not see or notice this part before?" or "Wow! That was Jesus there? Never paid attention to that phrase before" kind of moment? I do, too every time. These are those tiny details in the story or sometimes words or phrases that didn't mean anything before, but reading it through now it just makes all sense to what you are seeing. And that is what I pray for everyday before I begin reading, that the Lord would lead me to find something new about Him that I have never seen or knew before from the same passage. And He always leads me and delivers .... in amazing ways!

What Bible translation do you use?

I have learned something interesting and a really good practice from Eva Kubasiak. Two great ideas I took away from following her accountability group a couple of years ago were - (1) the difference of Bible Reading and Bible Study; [The focus of Bible Reading is really just looking for "who God is" and his characters, this really kept me on tabs. Meanwhile, studying the Bible is really digging in the passage]; and (2) Eva influenced me, in a very good way, to use a different translation of the Bible every year. Since, I have used the English Standard Version (ESV), New International Version (NIV), and Christian Standard Bible (CSB), this year I have the New Living Translation (NLT) on deck. Thanks Eva!

Why do I use a different translation every year?

It is not prescribed or anything, I just wanted to read, see and hear The Word in different translations. A little secret here, psst.... It is actually fun to be opening a new Bible every year (not that I am saying you have to buy a new one every time...NOT at all). Plus, in some of my Bibles I have written notes on the side or highlighted way too much. I wanted fresh pages, so I can start anew and understand it as I read it by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I am also appreciating how other translations can help me understand a passage better. Sometimes I compare two translations so I can comprehend it more. One thing I have not tried is to use a chronological Bible. This kind is the one that follows the timeline of the Bible story. It is not the Genesis to Revelation order, though is also starts with Genesis and still ends with the book of the Revelation.

What other tools do you have at hand that helps?

The past three years I have been blessed with great tools to help me read the Bible with accountability. I remember joining Eva Kubasiak and Mariel Davenport in their accountability group online. That was my first year of ever reading more of the Bible than I have ever tried before. The following year, they came out with a book version of the accountability group we had. The guide is called "Knowing God Through the Word". I loved that experience. Being able to write down who God is from the passage and a verse that spoke to me.

Last year, I used The Bible Recap (TBR) podcast as my Bible Reading guide paired with TBR journal for everyday accountability. Tara Leigh's journal helped look for who God is more and more and to note of things that stand out to me, phrases I do not quite understand and facts I wanna dig in some more which I do on weekends when there is extra time. This year, as I have mentioned above, I found this "Companion for reading through the Bible in a year". Trillia's "52 WEEKS in the WORD" focuses on the same thing as my three previous years and really it is the only way to focus on our Bible reading, that is, "What does it says about God and His characters?".

How has Bible Reading made a difference in your life? So now, how does this apply to me?

Yes, it is only Bible Reading. And yes, sometimes it could feel like another chore or another check on my "to do list". But I believe that Bible Reading has now become part of my daily grind. It is a daily rhythm that my body and my soul longs for everyday. Hey! life happens. Work schedule is not always great, but I always try to find time to slow down, then stop and open my Bible to do my Bible Reading.

After three years of trying and failing and trying again, I have finally made it to Revelation. I must confess I missed 12 days on the schedule, but I manage to catch up on good days that I can sit longer and read more. Once you have the rhythm you will actually crave for God's Word. Promise! Even if you are struggling to understand Isaiah or Jeremiah, the cravings keep you wanting for more. And my best advice is to just keep reading. As I have said, this is my fourth year and some part of it I still don't understand much...but just keep reading the Bible. That is probably the best craving we can long for...hunger for God's Word.

Now that I have read the whole Bible, is that it? NO! Of course not. It just drove me to read more, to read again and see more about God. We never stop learning more about God, because it is a lifelong process.

Knowing how the story of the Bible took place chronologically gives you another perspective of how you understand it as "one unified story" as the Bible Project always points out. It also made sense to me how the main themes of the Bible -- creation, fall, redemption, and restoration -- can actually be seen in each story or book of the Bible but also as you approach the Bible as one big story, that it also revolves into these main theme as a whole.

If this is your first year, just keep reading through Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. I know they are hard reads, and there are more challenging ones in the prophets, but I have come to love reading those books (after a couple of tries plus knowing more through our women's Bible Study helped a lot). Try pairing it with the overview of each book from The Bible Project, reading through it after their video explanation will keep you focused on why they matter to the whole Scripture....then suddenly they will all just click and make sense together to answer our one question in Reading the Scripture: "What did I learn about God and His characters?".

"The good news is that "52 Weeks in the Word" is also not about earning God's approval. We already have it!" -by Trillia Newbell

Through daily Bible reading, I have developed writing or journaling too, short but focused notes on "who God is and His characters". It also keeps me on tabs with my daily writing habit. I remember Christa Hutchin's "Move Forward Minimal Journal". It is laid out in the simplest form and you have the control to chose the prompt on each day which can be easily utilized as a great and simple companion in your Bible Reading by using this focus question "What did you learn about God and His characters on today's passage?" as your prompt. Everyday just a one-liner answer to this question and the journal can be used for more than one year...Hey! what a great discovery this is, even for me.

Here is my "Move Forward Minimal Journal" entry for day 17.

And I leave you with Psalm 119:9-16



9 How can a young man keep his way pure?

By guarding it according to your word.

10 With my whole heart I seek you;

let me not wander from your commandments!

11 I have stored up your word in my heart,

that I might not sin against you.

12 Blessed are you, O Lord;

teach me your statutes!

13 With my lips I declare

all the rules of your mouth.

14 In the way of your testimonies I delight

as much as in all riches.

15 I will meditate on your precepts

and fix my eyes on your ways.

16 I will delight in your statutes;

I will not forget your word.


When was the last time you held and read your Bible? Do you want someone to read it with you? Or have a "Bible reading accountability partner"? I am here, we can do it together.

And so I put it out to you again... "Will you read the Scripture with me?"





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