I thought I know the Bible cover to cover because I have memorized Bible verses; I can recite all the books of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation; I am well versed with the Biblical characters and their stories; I was good at Bible quizzes and Bible drills (when I was younger); and yes I did read The Scripture from time to time, in chunks or when we do Family devotions. You could say I "know" my Bible (facts) but "not really know" The Word as a whole.

BIBLE READING was something I have always seen my dad and mom do on a daily basis, but at a young age I thought this is what "old people" do: read the Bible. I couldn't say that my parents did not inculcate in me a love of reading the Bible because that is all they did and wanted me to grow into. And I did! I thought I did. I did follow their lead and what they wanted me to do....I read the Bible (the parts I wanted to). What I lack then, that I have come to realized now as a maturing Jesus' follower, is the "personal intention" and purpose of reading The Word. What was my "WHY" in doing it? Then, it was because my dad and mom wanted me to. I treated the Bible as just one of those books I have to read and learn from ... which I did! But now...I know better.
"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work." -2 Timothy 3:16-17
Why should we be (just) READING THE WORD? What should our intentions be? Let me first be clear about this....today I am only talking about "Reading the Bible", and not studying it. And to give you a bird's eye view on the difference - I read the Bible nowadays as one coherent book teaching me to know more about God's name, character and attributes and to unite the story of Jesus from beginning to end. Put it simply, Bible reading is familiarizing myself with God's characters, names and attributes; and how I see God in the pages of The Scripture. Meanwhile, studying the Bible is getting deeper into the Word, digging and cross referencing Bible verses, etc. Studying is looking through each verses and even through each words to really be able to understand what the word is saying (more on this on the upcoming blogs) to you and me where we further ask questions like the hows and whys.

I have always heard growing up that the Bible was likened to a library of books, like a collection of different genres like Book of the Law, Historical Books, Poetry, Epistles, The Gospel, Prophesies, Songs and Proverbs (and they are) BUT each one is not separate from the other. The whole Scripture is one big story about one big GOD and His saving grace for mankind through Jesus Christ. Instead of a library of books it is ONE BIG BOOK with different chapters but all pointing to that ONE BIG STORY of Jesus. Reading the Bible as a whole and as one coherent story will help us grasp the bigger picture. Eva Kubasiak gave a visual explanation on how Bible reading and studying differs and she put it this way...
"I like to think of the differences like visiting the Grand Canyon. Reading the Bible is like looking out across the canyon from the Rim, and getting to see the big picture of the Bible from the top. Where studying the Bible is more like hiking through the canyon and seeing the terrain changes, and how each part fits together on a more intimate level. Both are valuable and need each other to get a complete picture." -Eva Kubasiak from "Knowing GOD Through The Word: A Guided Scripture Journal"
So, how can one read the Bible with great intentionality? I am doing the chronological reading of the Bible in a year, which I have tried to do a few times and this is the farthest I have been and the most enjoyable one so far. Chronological reading is reading the Bible according to how the events happen meaning I am not following how the Bible is written from Genesis to Revelation book by book but instead with a guide (from a very reliable source, of course not my own) to take me from Creation story to the Revelation of Jesus coming again!
Chronological, as a word in itself, means stating or recording of events "starting with the earliest and following the order in which they occurred" as per Merriam Webster dictionary. So does that definition gives you an idea?

How do you do a chronological reading of the Bible? First thing to remember, the Bible does not have to be read in one year! Give yourself grace and keep in mind that we are reading the Bible everyday to meet God in the pages of His Word rather than to check off our reading plan. There are a lot of resources at hand. I can suggest to google it, but you know how google works, it just gives you the most searched result first, right? I have a list of resources that I trust, written down below for you.
READING WITH COMMUNITY. Accountability can be a great tool to help us get more into GOD's Word, to discipline us to keep opening the Bible everyday and getting into the Word. This community can be an accountability group you can form with your friends mainly focused on Bible Reading (and not Bible Study...that could be another time and/or group), if you missed reading a day it does not have to be a big issue, just remember to give yourself some grace and just keep on reading for the day at hand. I really believe that when we do things with a group of friends it makes things more fun and more doable.

Lately, I have been realizing that fellowship with other believers is a great way to thrive and grow in Christ. Doing things like discipleship, Bible Studies, mentorship and even as simple as Bible Reading groups will surely be more place for continuous growth in our walk with Him. Just keep on going, keep pressing on.
RESOURCES FOR BIBLE READING. Here are some suggestions for Reading the Bible (the way that best suits you or other ways for you to be in The Word):
YouVersionApp - is a place where people can find their way of creating a daily rhythm in connecting with the LORD through His Word. It is a Bible app that also offers different translations and versions of the Bible all in one place. On top of that, they are also offering Bible Reading Plans, Verse of the Day, and now they have partnered with The Bible Project on a reading plan called "The Journey Through Luke and Acts".
Bible Project - is not just for watching Bible videos. I love using Bible Project videos as a primer for each book of the Bible. Before I start a new book on my Bible reading, I watch the Bible Project video so I can get a bird's eye view on the whole book. Apart from that, Bible Project offers so much more than these videos. They have Bible Study plans, Reading plans, podcasts and now they are even offering Bible Classes.
Knowing GOD Through the Word - For this year, I chose to be a part of Eva Kubasiak and Mariel Davenport's community in my Bible Reading. Eva has come up with this Bible Reading community for a few years now and this year with a collaboration from a friend, they have come up a Journal, an online community and some perks that come with your membership too. I am using the "Knowing GOD Through the Bible: A Guided Scripture Journal" by Eva and Mariel. The journal is very simple, I love its format as it only focuses on two things everyday through these two questions -
"What did you learn about GOD?"
"What verse stood out to you today?"

Read the Gospel Every Month - As I have mentioned earlier, I got this idea from Annie F Down's (AFD) "That Sounds Fun Podcast". Try this as it is as life changing with all these teachings straight from Jesus. Check the link for the podcast episode on "Q&A: Reading the Gospels in a Month", AFD answers some of the questions you might have about reading the gospels in a month. Last year, instead of her doing the Bible in a year, she came up with this guide on reading the four gospels in one month. She did it for the whole year using different versions/translations of the Bible every month.
If reading the Bible in a Year sounds overwhelming to you, maybe this could be a better start to be in The Word everyday by going through the gospels in one month. I am telling you, I may have not succeeded in my first try but I just keep on doing it again and again. Reading the gospels have given me a deeper appreciation for the disciples and more amazed by how Jesus lived the greatest commandment. "Connection over perfection" as I hear Eva Kubasiak's words ringing in my ears about Bible reading. And that is so true, we read The Scriptures to get connected with GOD, it is not a "to do list" that we need to check off everything every time.

Bible Recap - This started as a podcast by Tara Leigh Cobble from her D-Group Ministry, then this year it was released as a book (with the same title) that can be your daily guide for your Bible Reading. I love listening to her podcast after I have done my Bible Reading as it helps me review what I read and learn more from her "GOD shot for the day". I have not read her book but I love how she summarizes the day's reading and only for eight minutes each day.
5 Psalms App - I found this app through one of Eva Kubasiak's guest speakers and have loved it since. Try it out, if you love the Psalms this is a good way to do it with reading Psalms everyday. It basically gives you 5 chapters of Psalms everyday based on the date and jumping on every 30 chapters, for example if today's date is the 20th, the PSALMS to read would be chapters 20, 50, 80, 110 and 140 with the exception of chapter 119 which is assigned as a single day reading.
Chronological Bible - Do you need to have one of these in order to read the Bible chronologically? Not really, but if you have the resources to buy it and to own another Bible, why not! You can even choose the translation you like the best. Nowadays there are a lot of choices with the chronological Bible too, it can be in a study Bible format too. I'd say if you do not have any guide to do the Bible Reading in a Year, then maybe go for one of this. It is a really neat investment.
She Reads Truth - is an online community that started just for women, but have now expanded to their "He Reads Truth" and "Kids Read Truth" ministries as well. They are mainly encouraging everyone to keep reading the Bible. Their ministry are also offering daily reading plans free online and on their "She Reads Truth" app, they also come out with Bible Study Guides or Bible Study subscription box for each reading plans that you can subscribe to monthly or annually. They also have a weekly podcast to supplement this reading plan.
Mind you, I am not doing all these! I choose my own battles (as they say). I have used them and benefited from them. I know that they are all Bible-based. I am sharing all these resources and it is for you to find out which one suits you and what can work for you.
"For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart." -Hebrews 4:12
Just always remember to "cultivate a desire to keep reading GOD's Word". BE BLESSED!
**** For the benefit of this blog the BIBLE will be addressed in a few different terms like "The Word of God", "The Word", "The Scripture", and GOD's Word.