GUIDELINES AND PHASES, these are just a couple of the words we have been hearing a lot these days. Why do we have to be dictated by guidelines? Why do we have to go in phases before we can move and go back to normal? I understand that these are hard questions and issues for a lot of us to decipher at the moment. Most of us are getting tired and sick of constantly changing guidelines and different decisions of each state into moving with the phases of re-opening. But really what are guidelines and phases in this time of CoViD?
During this time of a global pandemic, we still seem to be taking sides. We are still divided and unapologetically opposed with a lot of decisions and facts regarding CoViD. It is sad to say but polarization and politicizing is present even in the midst of this pandemic, which in my opinion, should NOT be.
Guidelines are a set of principles, rules, or even a piece of advice according to Merriam Webster. There you go, RULES! I think a lot of us do not like the sound of that word RULES! Nobody wants to be under some kind of rules. But hey! rules are what actually rule our lives, our meager everyday life, believe it or not! Guidelines are set of principles for us to follow in order to reach a common goal and that goal is order and for this case...our HEALTH and SAFETY.
In the light of CoViD-19, guidelines are written and distributed to keep us safe and to lessen the chance of further infecting or going into a second wave of pandemic. Being a medical professional, I personally would not want to go back to that chaotic time wherein we were all "on our toes" and heightened state of "Red Alert" because of the increasing number of CoViD-19 cases in hospitals and facilities. We can actually make things better by adhering to these guidelines. Gov. Newsom mentioned in one of his PressCon on CoViD-19 response that our frustrations are understandable but we always have to remind ourselves that we are doing this for our loved ones and our family.
"Guidelines are put out to tell us "how" to do things, not "when" to do them. The timeline is given to the local authorities to decide." - Gov. Gavin Newsom, California
According to Gov. Newsom, "Guidelines are put out to tell us how to do things, not when." The 'when' are still put out to the local government to decide. For example, Guidelines on re-opening Hair Salons were thoroughly written, reviewed and approved before they were handed out to the County (from the State level) Health Officers and then down to the business owners (Hair Salon owners). Hair salon owners are given enough time to read, study and prepare to carry out these guidelines. Some of these would include things like (1) how to schedule clients as to timing, number of customers each day, etc; (2) what is required of each client coming in for appointments, i.e. mask, gloves, hand sanitizers, temperature check (3) they cannot accommodate more than one client inside the salon at a time, and many others. The County Health officials announce which phase the hair salons are included and the exact date when they can open. I hope the above example gave you an idea what a guideline is and a brief bird's eye view of the phasing.

In this current season we are in, guidelines are out to help us, advice us and tell us "HOW' to do things in order to prevent the spread of the virus (further than it has already ripped us all) and keep ourselves healthy. Knowing is key. As our guidelines in California tells us, social distancing, use of facial covering and hand washing are the most essential principles.
This image I have here on the let is the simplest example of a guideline regarding meeting up together in groups. It tells or suggests ways you can take in order to be able to meet with your regular group of friends, how to do it safely and what considerations to take in order to enjoy the time together while at the same time being conscious of our health and safety.
Pages and pages of guidelines are written and formulated by our State officials in order to help us get back to as "what normal is" as we can be. They were not made overnight by an individual but rather a collaborative effort from the representatives of each business and the government officials. Let's give guidelines another colloquial term that maybe more understandable, how about considerations? These set of principles or advice can be summed up as considerations for us to take so that we can meet a common goal which is "to stop the spread of the virus!" Did it make more sense for you?
So, I asked Merriam Webster again for a general definition of PHASE. Here we go, PHASE is a "distinct period or stage in a series of events or a process of change or development." Do I need do say more? That definition hits it right on target. If you look at the picture above titled "Contra Costa County's Road Ahead", it is our current phasing here in our county. Certain businesses and industries are given the "go ahead" signal to open on a particular date by the county's health official. With reference to what I just explained about guidelines earlier, phasing is more of the local health authorities jurisdiction. As the guidelines were placed by the state, the carrying out of such rules and principles are done by phases according to how the health officials assess their own locality. Working together to reach a common goal can be easier with the correct utilization of guidelines, resources and community effort.
Below is an example of how California planned the re-opening of the state in phases. And at the time of writing this piece we are slowly progressing with Phase 3, carefully opening up different industries and communities according to very strict guidelines ran by the local health officials.
YOU, actually is the biggest chunk to make all this all a success. Our numbers are improving, even though there are reports of more people turning positive due to more testing. As long as the numbers of hospitalized individuals with CoViD-19 are not increasing then the State officials are not very concerned.
Again I repeat, each one of us has the biggest job to beat CoViD-19. If we all adhere to these guidelines laid before us, and follow the slow but well-thought phasing in re-opening our community, then we can all feel much safer.
I know it will be a challenging summer for us with all this face covering and social distancing guidelines that we need to follow. Why don't we look at things in a different way since we will have to live with the truth the this will be our "new normal" for a bit. Let's take the road of "we're all in this together" and just think more of others like our family, loved ones and dear friends to protect. The Contra Costa County Health Services came out with this ad that says "Wearing a face covering is an act of kindness" and indeed it is.
What are we called for during this time of guidelines and phasing in this time of CoViD? Really, it is our patience and sense of civil obedience. How far can we endure these rules and "new normal"? What more will they cut from our already altered reality? When will the government take the risk and just go back to how it was? Why do other states take the chance and seems to be doing well? These and so many other questions is killing our curious everyday
Everything at the moment, in light of CoViD-19, is a balancing act. We have to be law-abiding citizens first, before we can be good business owners, employers, students, teachers, golfers, athletes, politicians, and even philanthropists. Even us, professed Christians or Jesus followers (as I love to call them), we need to be able to model Jesus who respects the law of the land and loving our neighbors (who is practically everyone else except yourself) as ourselves.
Let us keep doing what we can, offering our help when we can and sharing what we have, always trying "to outdo one another in doing honor" (Romans 12:10) rather than outdoing others with what we have, what we own, what we wear, what we do for work or what we drive. Here is a great example of unity shown by a short reminder by all the living California governors helping us remember some important guidelines to live by this time of CoViD.
We must act with love; we need to endure our struggles with patience and work all this together. Unity, patience, endurance and love for others. And today I leave you with this Bible verse...
