"LIFE OF 'Reopening' IN TIME OF CoViD"
What does reopening means to you in this time of CoViD? How does it affect you when establishments start to reopen? What is the impact of th
What does reopening means to you in this time of CoViD? How does it affect you when establishments start to reopen? What is the impact of th
Life during this pandemic does not have to be hard, but it does come with some restrictions and a lot of sacrifices with a touch of...
Would you agree that ZOOM (the company) was the biggest winner during this pandemic? Who do you know have not been on this application durin
CoViD-19 seems to have decided to stay for the long haul. If there is anything this pandemic is teaching me it is taking time to unwind, re
GUIDELINES AND PHASES, these are just a couple of the words we have been hearing a lot these days. Why do we have to be dictated by...
Can you imagine that during our lifetime we are actually LIVING OUT what would come down as one of the most significant fact in world histor
A 'New Normal', just the thought of it stuns me. Just two months ago this world looks so different. We were having a ball spending time with
As we start to re-open the state slowly and phase by phase, there is hope but there is apprehension too. Some people are optimistic about be
Reality Bites. Actually this present reality stings a bit. During this time of pandemic, being cooped up in our homes and made to spend a...
Are we exempted from testing and trials, from suffering and despair, from disappointments and losses, from sickness and poor health, from...
Even grieving over our sick friends or families that passed away nowadays is totally different. The sick has to stay isolated; the...
Coronavirus invaded our quiet life and both parents are forced to face this new challenge in parenting called HOME SCHOOLING.