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Writer's picture: DeeDee


Part of our Sunday Worship is when our Pastor's wife, Michelle, comes in the front and gather all the Kids for Christ (our Little Sunday Schoolers are coined the name KFC) ready for Sunday School. She delivers a sneak peek on the Sunday message for the kids, pray with the congregation and then we all sing a send off song as the they walk to their Sunday School classrooms. It is such a traditional way of sending off kids to their class but something that is so nice to reinvent after all these years. It is also nice to know that our own kids are part of the Sunday Worship, mind you even us adults at church learn some of the most basic truth about Jesus delivered in the simplest way.

Sometimes, while listening to Michelle, I imagine when Jesus during His ministry will sit in a corner of the town or somewhere inside the temple and people gather around Him as He starts teaching. It also reminds me when children gather around Jesus. Can you picture that too in your mind? Whenever we sing this send off song for the Kids for Christ at church, I remember God's commandment to let the children come to Him (Matthew 19:14).


"Jesus loves you this we know,

for the Bible tells us so

Little ones to Him belong,

they are weak but He is strong.

Yes, Jesus loves you. Yes, Jesus loves you

Yes, Jesus loves you. The Bible tells us so!"


I have grown with this song at Sunday School too from the Philippines and loved it ever since. I tried to find out how this song came about so I googled it and found out that this was an old church hymn originally written as a poem for a dying child in order to bring comfort and peace. This was originally written by Anna B. Warner. This same verse (in form of a poem) also appeared in a novel by William Bradbury in the 1800's. From then on it has been famously used by the first missionaries to teach about Jesus and salvation.

I can see how this song was used by the early missionaries in bringing in the Good News of Jesus Christ to everyone. If you look at the lyrics it is very simple, yet so powerful. It caters to a little child but it is full of the message of Jesus' love for the little kids, for you, for me and for everyone. It also tells of the Word of God that tells everyone about GOD's love for us. At the same time it is reminding us to let these little kids come to Him, listen to His words, know that Jesus loves them. These are the principles by which our Sunday School department continues on in spite of all the hurdles along the way.

Our Children's Department at church is one of the busiest departments with year-long activities. It is led by one of the most hard working member, Ms. Nancy. Together with her team of very energetic teachers (yes! mostly teachers and retired teachers by profession) they run the Sunday School, Vacation Bible School (VBS), curriculum for the lessons, childcare for the tiny kids and many other special activities like our Annual Egg Hunt, Promotion Sunday, Church decorations for Christmas and the Bi-annual Christmas Pageant. Some of our Sunday School teachers have been doing this for decades.

"Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (Matthew 19:14)

I have seen a progress in our Children's Department for the past two years. By numbers, we have more regular attendees now; by growth, our young church goers are as excited of the Word of God as the adults in Church; and by ministry, more volunteers were summoned to help out now.

This year when we reopened our Activities Building after a devastating fire two years ago, the unrelenting team have come up with the idea of calling our Sunday Schoolers - KIDS FOR CHRIST (KFC) with a hope in mind that they will build their character according to the teachings of Christ. We wish to nurture these KFCs and dedicate them to the glory and service of our Lord Jesus Christ, that they may grow in love of Jesus and know Him as their personal Lord and Savior.

Some of the characters developed by KFCs at Sunday School.

Today was my first day of helping out in our Sunday School. Being with our church for a decade now and my son growing up in our small Sunday School department, I am truly excited to have been asked to volunteer. I was always hesitant to volunteer in our church ministries, but this year has opened doors for volunteering like the occasional Morning Tea Ladies and now a ministry that is very close to my heart....SUNDAY SCHOOL for the Little Kids at Church.

It is not an easy task to be helping out but it is truly enjoyable. I know 30 minutes is a very short time to be teaching these KFCs about JESUS, for them to learn and remember, but it sure is enough to keep them attentive and participate in activities that hopefully helps them remember the message from GOD's words every Sunday... that JESUS TRULY LOVES THEM. Let us be hungry for His words like these little children. Let us be like little kids for Christ that are loved by Jesus. Let us come nearer to Jesus and live more like Him everyday.



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