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Writer's picture: DeeDee
"When things stay hard for a long time, every day feels more like walking on a tightrope than on a solid and secure road into the future." - Lysa Terkeurst, author "It's Not Supposed To Be This Way"

Living during these uncertain times do feel like a long suffering for most of us. Job loss or unemployment, illness, death and loss from CoViD-19, isolation & loneliness, crazy households, pressure of distance learning on both kids and parents, physical tiredness from non-stop work as a frontliner, loss of income from business, depleting reserves (savings), emotions flying out the window, anxiety, fear, worry, depression, and so many other combination of so many things on top of another.


Picture this with me, someone balancing herself while walking on a tightrope; arms up on her sides and stretched wide open to help keep herself balanced and in place; taking small and calculated steps to slowly move forward and eventually cross over to the other side. I am sure from an spectator's point of view, that is a short distance from point A to point B, but to cross over that tightrope feels like eternity to whoever is on it trying that feat mostly for show. It will feel longer with every step they take and a lot more difficult as one gets to the middle of it. Have you had that churning feeling in your stomach? "That" could exactly be the feeling as someone crosses a tightrope especially with that swinging feeling as you get nearer to the middle of this suspended rope. Then the view down below from a height doesn't help you feel better either. Fright and all sorts of feeling will surely overtake and distract someone from getting to the other side or going back to where it started.

The truth is, you are probably half-way through the tightrope right now, either way you go is just as frightening. I agree with Lysa when she wrote.... "the middle...might be the scariest part". Going back where you started or going forward to cross over seems like much the same length, right? Is that where you are right now? Are you hanging and swinging right smack in the middle of your own tightrope? Are you conflicted on whether to go back or go forward? How do you keep going? How should you keep going? Have you been going through this pain and difficulty longer than you thought? Are you stuck in the middle frightened to move an inch because you might fall off?

As we go through this present time full of suffering, I wanted to share with you what I learned from this 'good read' book by Lysa Terkeurst "It's Not Supposed To Be This Way". On Chapter 6 entitled "It's A Little Too Long and A Lot Too Hard" she talks a lot about long suffering. As she shared how she's coping with her current disappointment that resulted into long suffering, she shared some insights on how she dealt and handled the situation as a true servant of God. From that time on, I have never forgotten about this Bible Study and the what I called as the "P's in the Process".

Yes, I hear you! Life can get to this point where you are pleading and asking "Am I there yet, Lord?", "When will this ever end?" or "Why me?" I know, I feel it too. This point of desperation we are living in is exactly what walking on a tightrope feels like. When you are at your wit's end, this is when you are right smack in the middle of "that tightrope", and they say that point is the scariest place to be.

Long suffering indeed is like walking on a tightrope especially when you come to that middle part, the point of no return as some would suggest. This is where either way is as scary as the other as it would take you much the same effort to go back to the start or to go on to the other side. On the same note, staying on that point could get you stuck in that moment and place.


Have you seen the movie SHREK? I remember that scene where Shrek and Donkey were on a very longggggg journey travelling to 'Far Far Away'. Donkey being the annoying companion who is getting bored, weary even impatient kept on asking "Are we there yet?". He asked about nine times (Trivia fact!) all throughout that long journey. Same as with our long suffering, we can be weary, impatient and a constant complainer throughout that long journey.

Sounds familiar?



Long suffering is a PROCESS. As the word implies, it is like a journey that you go through. It can surely derail us or get us stuck at times. The dictionary defines it as "patiently enduring lasting hardship". EVERY. SINGLE. WORD. -patient, endure, last, hardship- seems to point us to a very long journey in pain, in suffering. It is a process we need to go through and a long one at that. It will not be a sprint to the finish, one will have to take one step at a time. It will involve patience and endurance through the hardship. How are you coping six months on to this pandemic? Are you going through some major shake up in your life and therefore has caused this long suffering you are currently in?

Long suffering produces PAIN, do you remember "lasting pain" from our definition? Hardship prevails as one problem topples over another issue and another worry, another disappointment and yet another failure. All these struggles contribute to our long agony and distress. Sometimes it is easier said than done if I tell you to "not let the pain derail you or discourage you" but keep in mind that as you go through pain, it can give way for doubt to creep in. Doubt isn't really a sin in itself, as long as we do not entertain it that it cause us to lose trust in our One True God. How do we counter doubt while we're in our long suffering?

"In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation." --1 Peter 5:10

Don't you sometimes wish that you know what God has planned for you? Like a drone that you can fly overhead, hover around and have an overview of what lies ahead? Why do we always want to see the big picture before we make a move? Hmmmp... don't we all, but the Scripture clearly tells us that....

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." -- Isaiah 55:8-9

As we go through what seems like an unending struggle, disappointment, pain and suffering we have to realize that it will take long, it will take time. Admittedly we will, as some point, through this long process, feel like we are at our lowest point in our lives. The pain we feel through the process can give way to doubt, but this is when we need to learn how to counter it. Let us look around us for evidence of God's PRESENCE in our lives, in our family, in our community, in our work and everything that is around us. Focus on that "something" that reminds you of God's goodness in your life. These are small blessing, everyday blessings that we almost take for granted because they are so "ordinary". Lately, I have noticed my son praying and thanking God for "waking him up everyday" that is being thankful just for his mere existence that God blessed him with. That is a simple example of how we can appreciate God's goodness. There will always be something around us that is evidence of God's presence. Even just the fresher air we are breathing now, after that week long ash fall and very bad air quality brought about by smoke from all the fires around where we live. It could be the sunshine that we missed because of all these smokiness in the air. Sometimes we don't take enough time to appreciate the good things around us until it is gone or temporarily taken away from us.

Psalm 40 tells us that if we "wait patiently for the Lord, He will hear our cry and He will come and lift us out of the slimy pit". As we patiently wait through the process, let us wait as He works in us to get us "unstuck" from the middle of the tightrope. Some of us linger in that spot and eventually get glued to that middle of the tightrope. Some become stuck due to fear, some get frozen with fright.

"So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you! Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised." --Hebrews 10:35-36

That is such a great assurance for us. What do we need to do? Keep trusting the Lord. What is the secret to getting through long suffering? Patient endurance (Hebrews 10:35-36). PATIENCE is indeed a virtue. It is mentioned fourth in the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22) and the hardest to practice in the midst of this "rush-rush, hustle-hustle" society. That's not all, it is not just being able to tolerate suffering without being anxious, we need to be able to withstand hardship or adversity too. How are we going to do all that? Trusting a Sovereign God, the God who is in control over everything. I wanted to share this next encouragement I read recently from an advance copy of a devotional by (in) courage called "TAKE HEART". The writer clearly points us to our Sovereign God in times of trouble, suffering and pain and she wrote something like.... "We have our limit but our God is limitless, let's give Him the full control. If we try to do this in our own limited capacity we might miss Him in the midst of it." Trust Him more than enough. Trust Him with all our heart, with our life even with our suffering.


Have you heard of the song "Footprints in the Sand"? I think this was from the 80's. I love how it narrates the story where all of us can relate easily. There was this man walking on sand and found Jesus walking side by side with him. Then all of a sudden he realized there was only one set of footprints in the sand. Then he became weary and asked Jesus why He left him all alone. Jesus answered saying....

"My precious, precious child, I love you. And I would never, never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you saw only one set of footprints, it was then that I was carrying you."

-["Footprints in the Sand" by Christy Lane]



Our next P is PURPOSE. As we walk through a tightrope, let us also be reminded that there is always a purpose to the process. If we take a look at the Scriptures, Proverbs 19:21 says, "Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the PURPOSE OF THE LORD that will stand." Lysa Terkeurst also identified a purpose to the process and it is PREPARATION. An example she gave was like when we go mountain climbing, we need to practice endurance, learn to take small strides, one step at a time in order to build our stamina for the difficult trek up ahead. We need to develop lasting strength and good lung capacity in order to endure the journey up to the top. It is a grueling hike to get there (the process) and sometimes practicing and building up our strength for the big climb (the preparation) feels like a long waiting game, but really it is to get us ready to handle His promise.


When a climber reach the very top of the mountain, there is a sudden shift in altitude and therefore an increased need for oxygen. There are a lot of physiological changes that happens to one's body when there is a change in altitude. Mountain climbers cannot rush their climb otherwise they will get tired easily or their body will develop altitude sickness. Slow climb, small steps, less effort and use of energy. This allows the body to adjust to changing altitude.


This same exact preparation strengthen us through the process of trekking through our long suffering- slow ascent, slow steps, one at a time. It makes us strong in the midst of the long suffering. Our suffering can be the preparation we need in order to handle God's promises when it comes to fruition.

"The process isn't a cruel way to keep you from the promise; it's the exact preparation you'll need to handle the promise." - Lysa Terkeurst, "It's Not Supposed To Be This Way"

The process we are going through always has a purpose, and yes, we might not be able to comprehend it while going through the pain but if we just patiently hope through the hurting and persevere to find evidence of God's presence and His goodness every time, then we can look forward to His PROMISES.


God's PROMISES is our third P. We hope through our hurting because we are looking forward to this promise, we become hopeful and start to build our confidence because there is a goal we want to reach. Like in a race, they train and perform in order to finish well and reach the finish line in new record time which is their end goal. When we hope, we acknowledge God's Sovereignty in the midst of a bleak and difficult reality. Believing that God is in full and total control of all things can greatly help us navigate from the middle of the tightrope slowly trekking to the other end, to the promise! Hanging on to that glorious hope of God's promise takes us farther, keeps us focused on our One True God.

So you see, when He gives us a promise He delivers. Yes, we could be going through this unprecedented times but through it all, we can have hope for He PROMISED that "He will never leave you nor forsake you..." - Deuteronomy 31:6

"I know I must walk through God's process before I see His fulfilled promise." -Lysa Terkeurst, "It's Not Supposed To Be This Way"

If you want to recall people who faithfully stayed in the course of long suffering, we can start with the famous story of Joseph, the Dreamer as he is commonly called. Can you recall his life of suffering from a very young age? I will share more P's in the life of Joseph, here Joel answered the question "What different scenarios did Joseph find himself imprisoned?" - (credits to Proverbs31 Ministries Joel Muddamalle). Joseph was the favored son of Jacob (Israel), at a very young age his brothers have grown to hate him because of this. So when Jacob asked Joseph to check on his brothers at work they plotted against him. He was thrown in a PIT to die, but better opportunity came instead he was sold to a merchant and became a slave in the house of Potiphar. While there, POTIPHAR's wife was attracted to him and Joseph got into trouble for refusing her. He was put into PRISON for a crime he didn't do. He waited in prison until he was finally called to serve the Pharaoh in the PALACE. From pit to Potiphar's household to prison and finally to the palace, Joseph suffered through and through, but did we read about him complaining? (Read Genesis chapters 37 to 50 for the full story)

Joseph didn't understand God's purpose and plan for him. He always wanted to be free from suffering, hopeful that he will be free. Through it all he patiently endured every place he's been, he grew and (believe it or not!) developed a lot of leadership skills through all his suffering. God prepared him for what was the second highest position in the land of Egypt at that time. He became a blessing to Israel's family and the whole tribe. I heard someone commented something like, "if the cupbearer did not forget to mention him to the Pharaoh as soon as he got out of prison, do you think he'll be governor?" Things happened when they happened because that was God's perfect plan. Do you all agree? Lysa Terkeurst loved this quotation: "God loves us toomuch to answer our prayers at any other time than the right time and in any other way than the right way."

"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." --Genesis 50:20

There are a lot more Bible stories about long suffering and how each one stayed faithful to God til the end. They are not perfect, they sinned just like us but God found favor in them because they put their trust in a Sovereign GOD through and through.

To cap it off, first, let us be reminded that whatever God has planned for us is always good, always the best for us. We may question God through this process, we may not understand the purpose but we can definitely hold on to His promises to get us through this.

Second, we can find the strength to go through this long and hard season of our lives by being in the Word always. Let the Scriptures lead our everyday walk as 2 Timothy 3:16 tells us, "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness," for "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." according to Matthew 4:4. If we keep God's Word in our hearts then it will be our weapon to stand firm against the enemy even through our suffering. We'll have fear, we'll be anxious, we might feel lonely and many other personal challenges... but if we stay in the Word and stay connected to Him we will get through this. Pray the scriptures. Memorize God's Word. Study and live His Word.

Third, as I have mentioned above always find evidence of God's presence in our lives. Daily recite His goodness, His promises, for God will meet us right where we are and we have to "Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you." (Deuteronomy 31:6).

Lastly, as Jesus gives His disciples a break from all their ministry work on a regular basis, He also encourages us to “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” (Mark 6:31). Take a rest, a time to yourself to commune with God, to find rest in Him through this we can be renewed.

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” -- Matthew 11:28-30




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