How do you start your day? Do you have a certain routine you have grown old with? Do you meditate in the morning? Do you do yoga? or any kind of preparation or warm-up for the day? Do you pray or utter a simple praise and thanks to JESUS for waking up alive and breathing still? Do you spend some ME time with Jesus? How do you spend you first few minutes of the day?
I start my day with the Lord. A short prayer of thanks when I wake up. After my boys leave for work and school, with a cup of coffee on one hand, I sit on my desk and start my QUIET TIME. This is the time I dedicate to study God's word and spend some quality time doing this. This is my ME TIME. This is my time for my daily devotions. I call my daily devotions Quiet Time because that’s when I shut off everything around me so that I can intentionally focus on God, through His words and prayers.
I struggled for a long time before I even got it right and it is such a pleasure to be on that daily routine now. When I miss it, it feels like there is something wrong in my day, something's not right, like I need it to complete my day.

Why is QUIET TIME very essential for my spiritual growth, for our christian growth? Why is it important to set a time and create a routine for a daily devotional? I have a few reasons here for you, Bible verses that helped me realize how important GOD's word is in my whole life, my being and my goal in life.
GOD's Word is food for my soul.
Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of GOD." Matthew 4:4
Our physical body lives by the sustenance we eat. We strive to eat healthy so that we can be fit. Spiritual nurture is the same, if we do not feed our soul with the right food then we cannot be spiritually healthy. What was the saying I heard "A verse a day keeps the devil away."? As Christians, our souls long for the word of GOD on a daily basis like we eat our food. From GOD's word, we can be strengthened and nurtured.
GOD's Word is Light for my path
"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
As we continue to study GOD's word through our personal devotions or bible studies, His word becomes our guide in our everyday walk. It sheds light on our every step so that we can walk according to His will and not be lost in the midst of this dark world we live in. The word of GOD is liken to a "lamp shining in a dark place" (2 Peter 1:19), the scripture also says "for this commandment is lamp, and this teaching is a light" (Proverbs 6:23) that will all lead us to "the only way, truth and life - JESUS" (John 14:6).
GOD's Word is a useful tool.
"All scripture is GOD-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness." 2 Timothy 3:16
Not just food to sustain us, not just light to guide us; GOD's word can be very useful in pursuing righteousness. As these words are directly from GOD, therefore they are holy. It is also used for teaching us and correcting us. It is like our handbook in righteousness, our checklist for christian living or a navigator to find our path towards JESUS. GOD's word will be our guide on how we should live as children of GOD. Like parenting the Word of God is good for bringing up our children according to His words like it says on Proverbs 22:6.
GOD's Word Penetrates through our soul.
"For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart." Hebrews 4:12
The word of God is compared to a double-edged sword because it not just cuts into our hearts and mind but goes down deeper into our soul, so much so W. Jones described is as "penetrating to the bones and right down to our marrows." Now, that is way too personal. Yes, sometimes you can get offended by the word of GOD, but is it really the right word to say or rather GOD's word is convicting. The truth is convicting. He even mentioned this: "So thoroughly and rigorously does the word of GOD searches man's moral nature."
GOD's Word Gives us Hope.
"For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope." Romans 15:4
GOD's word is a lot of things but most of all it is for helping us live more like children of GOD. It is encouraging, it provides us instructions, and helps us to learn from the stories of faith in God and one Savior. His word gives us hope for the future towards our goal to eternal life with our Father up in heaven.
God's Word gives me wisdom.
"Take hold of my words with all your heart; keep my commands, and you will live. Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them." - Proverbs 4:4-5
Reading and continually studying God's words will gain me the wisdom from God, better instructions for living and instructions in prudent behavior (Proverbs 1:1-7). The more we dig into God's word, the more we will learn about living according to GOD's will and we will be more equipped in living in this temporary world and look forward to our return to Eden.
But you know what, this list can go on and on and on. Explore your BIBLE yourself, study His instructions, find the truth, build up hope and pursue righteousness with GOD. Staying in tuned with GOD through His word is the best defense we have living in the middle of this crazy world.
How do you do a QUIET TIME?
But, how do we do a daily devotion? a Quiet Time? or whatever you may want to call your dedicated time studying God's word and talking to Him.
I have struggled for so long to discipline myself into doing my daily devotions. I have used a Bible Reading in a year guide, but it was hard to keep up with chapters and chapters to read everyday without a guide as to what I was trying to learn from His words. I tried books but I wanted to be sure that the book and its author are in line with my faith, that there is only one way, truth and life and that is JESUS. It was hard enough to choose a material but rather harder to decide about the dedicated time of day that I can do my Quiet Time everyday.
Sometime last year, I stumbled into an ad on K-LOVE radio about Proverbs 31 Ministries, that is a ministry for women of all walks and seasons of life and their mission truly caught my attention: "Know the Truth. Live the Truth. It changes everything." So, I explored the website and found all sorts of materials for christian growth including their FIRST 5 APP which is a daily study of God's word, that delves into each book of the Bible chopped into daily studies. For me, First 5 is the best idea to start your first 5 minutes of the day with the Lord, but I spend a lot more time than 5 minutes trying to learn and dig deeper into their study of the word...and that is my friend where I have chosen to pick my materials for my Quiet Time. First 5 is also a mobile app, they also provide printed materials that you can buy or download to help you dig deeper into the study.
Doing my QUIET TIME was very intentional, because I wanted to make it work I kept on the pace of self-discipline doing what I have to do. I made it to a point that I kept a checklist on my planner on which days I do my Quiet Time, so I can be accountable to myself and to Jesus for not doing a day's devotional (not meeting up with Him, really). I pray for my Quiet Time, for Jesus to help me. teach me. discipline me and bless me through this journey. And I made it, thank you Lord! Now, I do feel blessed and very grateful for the spiritual growth and continued blessings that comes my way.
So, my Quiet Time typically goes like this-
a short prayer thanking the Lord for just the very reason I am awake,
then I read the Bible reading schedule for the day (usually a chapter) from the First 5 app,
utter another short prayer for the Lord to help me open my heart, ears and eyes to today's word.
A short study on the chapter is provided on the First 5 app, or a deeper one on the manuals you can buy from them,
then my main prayer time for the day where I come to Jesus with all my prayer requests (from personal to praying for others)
and additional reflection on the major moments picked from the daily study is also provided
there is also a comment wherein you answer the Question for the Day
It is such an eye-opener everyday, to be able to hear what God has in store for me. And I always ask myself in the end, what did this study tell me about God, about Jesus and what is Jesus telling me today? what is the teaching for me?
Try it out yourself, I made it work for myself with a lot of self-discipline to get into this perfect rhythm in doing my Quiet Time before my day starts. Yes, it may not be easy for someone who haven't started...but the choice is really yours. Find the best time and best place (usually a quiet place) for you to do your Quiet Time. Choose the material that best suits your spiritual need. I highly recommend visiting Proverbs 31 Ministries as apart from the First 5 App they also have an online daily devotional. You can also look up Our Daily Bread, their daily devotions are now streaming online on most social networking sites. If you do not have a BIBLE yet, try finding a Devotional BIBLE. You can also visit christian bookstores and find a book on a yearly devotional for which most are catered to specific needs like for women, for men, for families, for seniors, etc. You can also explore those devotionals via e-mail subscriptions, there is actually a lot of materials out there, you just have to find a dedicated time everyday and a certain degree of self-discipline to put this plan into action.

It is such a great feeling to start your day with JESUS, it truly is! With a heart felt prayer and His words of blessings and instructions everyday will keep us in the right path and help us get through the day with so much peace and joy. Try it, there's is nothing to lose but more to your spiritual gain. Set aside a Quiet Time with Jesus, it will help you grow more in Christ Jesus!
Make a plan. Make time. Buy your BIBLE first of all, invest on a good one. Choose a material. And start disciplining yourself into pursuit of righteousness! Let's grow in Christ together. This is life changing!