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Writer's picture: DeeDee

One great advantage we can glean from this "Shelter-in-Place" situation is that we can finally have some time to do "that thing" that we have been meaning, planning, wanting or wishing to do for the longest time! What's on your list?

Mine? Pretty simple. To be able to sit down for a full hour without any distraction, not even my phone, and read a book from my growing Reading List.

This pandemic has surely pushed us all to take some time off and we can either take this very moment to our advantage or disadvantage. Some of us are in great pain and going through the toughest time of their lives. Others may have been given the chance to telecommute (work from home) and do some work without the pressure of your boss buzzin' around every five minutes. Or still some have just found out that they actually do not have a job to go back to.

If you are in a certain groove now for being home for more than three months, what are the odds that you have gotten yourself a new hobby to "kill time" as the saying goes. We are not all avid readers, I accept that fact, but have you heard of audio books lately? Audible seems like the app that gets reading done......and it is an app on your phone that you can carry to listen to from anywhere.

"Making the most of the situation" we are in is essential to keep our sanity intact. It is not easy to be swamped into this current reality. I heard someone said yesterday that this pandemic has caused her to realize "that money, even tons of it, meant nothing during this pandemic" because even if you have all the money to buy anything you love, there is nothing to buy and nowhere to go.

My "shelter-in-place" was not really staying home because through all these crazy times, my kind of job was as crazy too. But in spite of all those busyness at work, my only joy during my days off is READING A BOOK (and writing this blog, wink)! Presently, I am into non-fiction, faith-based books. I am exploring christian authors and books recommended by some true wide readers and some great podcasters.

These books I read were just perfect for the situation I found myself in during this pandemic. Some of these books were Bible Studies too. Every single book were picked before Coronavirus invaded our lives, so it is fitting to say that they were meant to be. Here it goes, some of my most loved books are on this list, can you guess which ones?


I just finished reading "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry" by John Mark Comer. This book has been on my list for months, thinking that one day I will get a copy and read it. One day I will write about Rest and Sabbath and this will be one of my guiding books. That one day came when the author announced that he is doing a Book Club Facebook LIVE version joined by some of his favorite people (who happens to be my favorite too) ..and that is my first reason to get the book that time. Then Annie F Downs of "That Sounds Fun Podcast" is one of the speakers on the line-up, and that sold me to the book all the more.

This great book on RESTING and practicing Sabbath is a wonder. It directly points to the problem we all face in this side of the world...HURRY! And how can we overcome hurry and be able to live a simple life in the middle of this chaotic world? That is quite a challenge. Never looked at hurry this way before, but Comer laid out the history of hurry and how the evolving technology has victimized us and held us hostage of our own doing. Who knew T.S. Elliot had something to say about twittering?

"Distracted from distraction by distraction." - by T.S. Elliot ("This Twittering World")

His premise was simple: the solution to eliminate hurry in our lives is: A SIMPLE RULE OF LIFE: ABIDING. I love how he used the illustration of a trellis to expound on the meaning of "abiding" saying "What a trellis is to a vine, a rule of life is to abiding." Like the trellis is a structure for the grape vine to grow, we can have a schedule and a set of practices to abide. Comer said that "it's a practice to organize all of your life around the practice of the presence of GOD." That is just beautiful, but a hard work. I myself is finding it hard to break from the pull of this "hurried life" but I heed his advice of taking it slowly. Start with something. And I did, I started with controlling my device rather than the other way. Nowadays, I can leave my phone by the bedside table or even in the bathroom and go to sleep in peace. I have turned off all notifications too (haven't you noticed they are the ones that get you hooked on it). I encourage you to try, it is life changing even if it is just that simple.

What I would really love to learn and practice is the way to Sabbath, to be able to just relax that day and invite dear friends who can do Sabbath with my family and share a meal, a good laugh and the inspiring word of God. I still have a long way to go before I can get there but I will keep going on in a slow, steady speed (who am I racing against, anyway?).

"We urge you brothers and make it your ambition to lead a quiet life." - 1 Thessalonians 4:10-11

This book is so rich in wisdom, so full of life lessons and new set of practices that could further enrich one's spiritual life while living quietly in the midst of this modern and chaotic world.

Silence and Solitude. Sabbath. Simplicity. Slowing. These are the four practices that when applied to our everyday life can totally make a difference in our walk with Jesus. I want this. I am slowly working towards this life...and praying for all these too.


"Jesus Over Everything" (JOE) is from a well known author Lisa Whittle from the same podcast title. I love her straightforwardness in her interviews with her guests and she brought the same gist on her latest book. This book can be read as a stand alone or used as a Bible Study material completer with videos and lessons. Can not ask for more!

Here on JOE she introduced me to the "Deadly Overs" that might be ruling our personal lives. She also offered a self-test to see which deadly over is the strongest in your personality. Each chapter that follows talks about our daily lifestyle choices towards a Jesus Over Everything life or away from it. These choices were summarized as: Real over Pretty; Love over Judgment; Holiness over Freedom; Service over Spotlight; Steady over Hype; Honesty over Hiding; Wisdom over Knowledge and Commitment over Mood. All these choices points back to how to deal or manage or get over your deadly overs.

I found myself to be an "Overworker" (which at first I can not believe my eyes!), but then when I kept going on with the book I did see myself as one. My top daily lifestyle choice is really "Service over Spotlight", as an Enneagram 3 I seem to long for everyone's approval through my achievements, saying yes to everyone asking for help to the point of exhaustion just to please them. I have been doing this apparently all my life and I did not even notice until I stumbled into these "Deadly Overs" through the JOE book. So I begin to ask myself "Am I doing what I am doing because I want the spotlight on me?" "Are my motives in line with a life of Jesus over everything?" and "Am I walking and looking like Jesus doing all these?" These questions and many more were really helpful to check myself and be able to ask GOD for forgiveness for my shortcomings and ask Him to help me over come this.

"Wanting to exercise you gifts is not self-serving. Wanting people to love you because of" - Lisa Whittle, author of "Jesus Over Everything"


Pastor Craig Groeschel of Life Church wrote this book about praying as bold, as sincere and as personal as you can to Our Father. After a 6-week Dangerous Prayers Online Bible Study (OBS) by Proverbs 31 Ministries, it has left me with the following:

  • A new prayer to learn and practice. To pray more boldly, sincerely and personally; not needing eloquent, elaborate nor oratorical words. When we pray to our Loving Father, we talk to Him with real, raw and passionate prayers uttered from our hearts.

  • It has taught me to understand and pray these three phrases: "Search Me" (so let us trust GOD enough to ask the difficult things, ask for forgiveness and show us the truth when we pray); "Break Me" (Pastor Groeschel said "in the breaking comes the blessing", let us come to GOD with our weaknesses and struggles; let us come to Him with our brokeness, welcome and embrace it ) and "Use Me" (It could be as simple as a calling to practice HOSPITALITY within our circle of friends, family, church or immediate community.)

  • The best illustration from the book is the one about Matt who always tells his pastor this: "My answer is Yes! Now, what is the question?". Matt was ready for anything for the Lord and his full submission to God meant he is ready and willing to do it, just tell him what IT IS. How many of us are in full submission to God like Matt?

"Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." -Psalm 139:23-24

JAMES: Portrait of a Living Faith

Our Women's Spring Bible Study was on the book of James. We used a 13-Lesson Study called "JAMES Portrait of a Living Faith". They said James is one of the shortest book in the New Testament but hey! we dig and dig deeper into each verse and for 13 long weeks through and through this pandemic we wrestled together. After those 13 weeks of uncertainty in the outside world, each of us were strengthened in faith and stronger, ready to face whatever lies ahead.

James constant reminder and encouragement to be steadfast is timely and much needed. How he sees that through the trials that we go through everyday we can be transformed, restored and received a better promise. Trusting GOD through the process even though we are not sure of the outcome because through all these we can rehearse GOD's character: that He is our merciful and compassionate God. He keeps His promises and He will reward us in our perseverance.

"Behold, we consider those blessed who remained steadfast. You have heard of the steadfastness of Job, and you have seen the purpose of the Lord, how the Lord is compassionate and merciful." - James 5:11

Studying James through this study guide by Jon Nielson made me look and dig in the Bible harder and keener. It has taught me to find the gospel in every lesson, every passage. Understanding the text and making connections to other parts of the Bible is really tricky but fulfilling most of the time. Finishing this book and study made me more appreciative of the Word of God and hungry for more thorough studies.


I need to confess that not until this Sermon Series at church, I have not really read this book of the Bible. Habakkuk looks hard, just from the name of the book, let alone read it. It is a lament, a prayer of pain; of anger; of questioning and of trusting GOD.

This book came at the best possible timing. Put together by the church writing team, this was planned and produced months ahead of the pandemic that shocked us all and so we firmly believe that GOD is in full and total control when this sermon series came about. When most of us were in anguish, fearful of the unknown and left questioning why these things were happening around GOD's people. The last few months felt like we were on Job's shoes, with one trial after another.

It was so beautiful how Habakkuk laments and GOD directly answers his complaints. Their exchange is deep but when you really lean in the message of GOD for Israel then it is something we can glean from and still perfect in our current suffering.

Here's an excerpt of their exchange, Habakkuk starts his lament...

"OLord, how long shall I cry for help, and you will not hear? Or cry to you "Violence!" and you will not save? - Habakkuk 1:2

and GOD answers...

"Look among the nations, and see, wonder and be astounded, For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if I told you." - Habakkuk 1:5

Through this sermon series, I have learned about LAMENT is a way of expressing our emotional pain and suffering, boldly asking GOD to intervene that transition from pain to GOD's promises. Lamenting lets us view things through the lens of the gospel to find that we are a people of hope, therefore moving us to trust our Loving God and give Him back the glory by recalling how He has been so gracious and faithful to us all through out.

Habakkuk in the end have learned to trust GOD in the process even though he did not get to see the fulfillment of GOD's promises...and here is his prayer in the end.

"O Lord, I have heard the report of you, and your work, O Lord, do I fear. In the midst of the years revive it; in the midst of the years make it known; in wrath remember mercy..... yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will take joy in the GOD of my salvation. GOD, the Lord, is my strength; he makes my feet like the deer's; he makes me tread on my high places." - Habakkuk 3:2,18-19.

If you can find time to read and study the book of Habakkuk, click HERE to get hold of our Study guide called "Habakkuk: A Just Faith" self-produced by Golden Hills Community Church.


My favorite podcaster, ANNIE F. DOWNS, came out with this devotional last year. The title easily reveals what this devo is all about, yes "100 Days to Brave". I love it because they are short readings, simple Bible verses and great for memorization. This is my first take on any of the books she has written and I am telling you I am already on the look out for her next one called "That Sounds Fun!" coming out next year.

I love that even though the devotionals were focused on the word BRAVE, the content was broad. It tackled how to be brave or even how to find it in every area of our lives possible. It is a light, short devo but surely heartfelt and very applicable to "my" daily struggles. Annie's writing is so personal that you can totally relate to her experiences and I like that about this devotional book, it is also inspiring and encouraging. Simple yet meaty with GOD's Word and a daily dose of a Brave encouragement went a long, long way for me. Thanks Annie F Downs. This devo surely helped me be brave and ready for this unplanned and very hard season we are still in.

Day 15 of the "100 Days To Brave" seems to have spoken to me the most and still is. It is still true to me to this day, I am in the process of learning to be brave about asking the hard questions. I am still trying to be brave in listening to the hard answers (for which I think sometimes I am more fearful of). Annie closed this day's entry with this "They are the answers that bring peace. Ask God the hard questions."

So, here goes mine..."O Lord, what or where are You calling me?"


Written by Lee Nienhuis, a christian mom, lover of Jesus, a Bible teacher, podcast host of "Moms in Prayer International" and "The Mary and Martha Show", what else? Just being a really good writer and teacher tells a lot of things about her. I love how she wrote this book. How she pointed out to us, parents (sorry if you are not yet one), as the catalyst, the fire starter of a movement that is counter cultural (meaning against the grain and standard of parenting in this world we live in) and spark a revival starting from our own home. To continuously guide our children to live looking more like Jesus everyday; to role model to them the character that we want to build in them. Like Apostle Paul's encouraging words and constant reminder to his young apprentice, Timothy:

"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity." (1 Timothy 4:12).

Hold that thought about "Counter Cultural Parenting" for a moment, I will not say more than I have already as my next blog will be all about this book. Instead I am encouraging you to grab a copy of this. It is a great tool and totally worth investing into if you are a parent or planning to be one! And be sure to come back and read my next blog, share and even comment if you may.

Sorry if this blog post was longer than usual, but I tried hard not to give away too much of each book and just enough to keep you longing for more. So I hope that I have encouraged you to start a new hobby, i.e. READING. I also hope that you will find some if not all of these books encouraging enough to make you READ IT! My next stack of books is ready and waiting, let me end here and start one today.




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